Stories may be submitted for FREE!!! Reading and listening to stories is also FREE!
Stories may be submitted for FREE!!! Reading and listening to stories is also FREE!
Your stories may be submitted for free!
Stories can be :
Fact or Fiction, Written or Recorded, Signed or Anonymous
- science fiction stories, children's stories, military veteran's stories, inspirational stories, historical stories, mystery stories, childhood stories, romance stories, funny stories, detective stories, poems, spooky/ghost stories, family stories, travel stories, UFO stories, campfire stories, amazing stories, bedtime stories.....
Include a title for your story.
Submit your story by email to as an attachment or record your story and attach it as an audio file.
After review you will receive an email confirmation and an assigned number for your story. You can then read or listen to your story as well as many others.
Send your story to:
- Original
- Family-Friendly (PG or better)
- Let us know if you want your name and email address posted along with your story.
- Include a title for your story.
- Stories submitted are subject to editing and possible rejection due to content and length.
- If you submit material written by someone else you are responsible for the copyright infringement, not us.
- "Share Your Stories" is not responsible for the content of the stories posted here.
- "Share Your Stories" reserves the right to reject any story for any reason.